EE4All Open Access Summer Crash Course
“The scarcest resource is not oil, metals, clean air, capital, labour, or technology. It is our willingness to listen to each other and learn from each other and to seek the truth rather than seek to be right.”
The EE4All team hopes that many of you will enjoy co-learning with us and will share the course widely!
Our first global virtual crash course was a tremendous success! Check below for all of the open access course educational materials and recordings, and join the people who enthusiastically took it to learn about the social and ecological foundations for a new economic story that fits the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century!
This short course is intended for students, teachers, academics, practitioners, activists, and any human being interested in transforming the economy to the sustainable, just, efficient, resilient and sufficiency path needed to address our intertwined socio-ecological crises. In this decade of action, our hope is to leverage systems thinking and biophysical and social realities to inform the social-ecological paradigm shift in economics needed to achieve sustainable prosperity for all.
Course Objectives
- To explore the socio-ecological paradigm shift underlying ecological economics and how other heterodox
schools can contribute to it.
- To gain some exposure to systems thinking and ecological economics’ toolbox.
- To build a network for strengthening and promoting the educational, collaborative and policy advocacy
vision of EE4ALL.
Who is Presenting
The crash course is taught by a mixed of established and emergent scholars, activists and practitioners in EE, systems thinking and other heterodox schools of thought.
Course Materials
The materials for the course are open sourced available online. You can begin by reviewing our Econ 101 Virtual Textbook to get a quick introduction to how real economies work. All the information about the background, structure and readings for the course can be found in the link below.
Click here for a more detailed PROGRAM & ACCESS to Materials!
Course Outcome
Participants will gain an introduction to how we might rethink economics and our economic systems to achieve wellbeing within planetary boundaries grounded in ecological economics, systems thinking, and allied heterodox schools of economics.
The EE4All crash course is co-sponsored by: Leadership for the Ecozoic, the Bittersdorf Professorship in Sustainability Science and Policy, the Gund Institute for Environment and Ecological Economics, Rethinking Economics UVM, the International Society for Ecological Economics and the Democracy Collaborative.
For more info contact coordinator: Rigo Melgar at rmelgarm@uvm.edu
Enjoy co-learning with EE4ALL!
You can watch the presentations on our EE4ALL Youtube Livestream even if you did not registered!
You can watch the recorded presentations of our Ecological Economics For All Open Access summer crash course (originally offered in 2022) via our Youtube Livestream on our EE4All youtube channel.
Day 1 (July 7th) Why do we Need a Socio-ecological Paradigm Shift in Economics?
with Jon Erickson & Bengi Akbulut (moderated by Rigo Melgar): https://youtu.be/v7F65TxGDGY
Day 2 (July 8th) The Biophysical and Social Foundations of a New Economic Story
with Lisi Krall & Joshua Farley (moderated by Rigo Melgar): https://youtu.be/VOHcQtLOvBU
Day 3 (July 11th) The Role of Systems Thinking and Heterodox Economics in a new Economics Story
with Leslie Harroun & Inge Røpke (moderated by Rigo Melgar):https://youtu.be/JGJkR0IITxM
Day 4 (July 12th) A New Way of Economic Teaching, Practice and Policy Making
with Ashish Kothari & Kate Raworth (moderated by Rigo Melgar): https://youtu.be/4gk6hez8j8o