Rethinking ECON 101: Crash Course
Rethinking ECON 101 for People and the Planet!
Join the 500 people who registered this Fall for this FREE crash course to co-learn about the diverse economic approaches to studying and understanding the economy beyond your same old Econ 101 courses!
When: Students can register on a rolling basis to access the 10 recorded sessions and it is open to people outside the USA!
EE4All has partnered with Rethinking Economics USA, The Center for Popular Economics, the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics and the Institute for New Economic Thinking to develop a much anticipated Econ 101 crash course to rethink economics so that we can understand our economy and address our socio-ecological crises.
EE4All joined this amazing project at the request of Rethinking Economics USA because we must prioritize the ecological roots of economics to understand that humans are part of the rest of nature, and, thus, realize that economics cannot exist without ecology.
The ecological economics’s approach to studying and understanding the economy begins by embedding socio-economic systems in the biophysical world of energy and matter of global ecosystems. This reality of how real economies operate leads us to understand that the goal of the economy has to be about enabling equitable and sustainable wellbeing within planetary boundaries.
In this exciting crash course, you will learn about the biophysical and social foundations of the economy that ecological economics has developed for many decades, alongside other important foundations and principles from other allied heterodox schools of economics, which are essential to rethink economics and understand how we might achieve wellbeing within planetary boundaries for all.
The 10 spectacular sessions of this crash course are structured as follows:
Sessions 1 (Sep. 18th, 2023): Introducing the principles of mainstream economics and a brief history of how economic thought has developed.
Session 2 (Sep. 25th, 2023): Interrogation of some of the foundations of mainstream economics: the myth of Homo Economicus and infinite growth.
Session 3 (Oct. 2nd, 2023): Interrogation of some of the foundations of mainstream economics: the myth of market fundamentalism and trickle down economics. (Presenter: Ha-Joon Chang)
Session 4 (Oct. 9th, 2023): Introduction to different perspectives on understanding economics: Marxian Economics.
Session 5: Introduction to different perspectives on understanding economics: Institutional and post-Keynesian economics. (Presenter: Mark Setterfield)
Session 6: Introduction to different perspectives on understanding economics: Ecological Economics (Presenters: Lisi Krall & Ellie Perkins)
Session 7: Introduction to different perspectives on understanding economics: Feminist and decolonial economics. (Presenter: Jayati Ghosh)
Sessions 8 (Nov. 6th, 5 pm 2023): Strategies and Initiatives to Transform the Economic Paradigm so it Serves People and Planet. (Presenters: Kate Raworth, Jon Erickson, Amanda Janoo)
Session 9: Exploration of alternative forms of economic organization inside and outside of the United States.
Session 10: Action! Learn how to translate the learnings from this course into campaigns and movements for change.
The goal of this 10-session crash course is not to just learn about these diverse economic approaches to studying and understanding the economy, but to become active advocates of their inclusion in economics curriculum across the U.S.A. and beyond to foster a 21st-century economics that works for people and the rest of nature.
Sign up for this great opportunity for transformational change and share it with your friends and allies at your schools who might be interested in building a strong Rethinking Economics Movement across the U.S.A that is ecologically and socially grounded!